Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids

Typically, everyone has internal hemorrhoids, but they are not commonly observable, they do not pose a problem or a threat to health and they usually remain out of sight and shows now warning signs. You may not believe it, but about 15 million people from around the globe are bothered by wearisome hemorrhoids year after year.

When the hemorrhoids do originally show symptoms, the typical response is one of alarm, fear, and anxiety.

Suddenly, one’s good-looking base has the insides appear as if they are tearing apart out of it and the hemorrhoids you become noticed of may also pose pain, bristles and irritation like nothing you ever felt before.

For most patients, the anxiety of seeing blood smudges all of a sudden, out of extreme unbearable pain from a thrombosed hemorrhoid can be severe.

Luckily, hemorrhoids in reality are inflamed blood veins that for most patients are easily cured or treated.

Even though, having hemorrhoids is fairly embarrassing because it is associated with bowel movements (a private and discreet body action) and our anus (a private body part) you should not be completely embarrassed when you need a medical examination. Doctors are highly trained, especially the colorectal specialists, to deal with the nasty aspects of hemorrhoids.

The issue of embarrassment may be frustrated even more with hemorrhoids, if we think that by some means is caused by anal sex. A person might feel that the doctor will follow a trail of a very personal aspect, and will ask questions with the hemorrhoids. Doctors will not ask questions that are too personal, and it is very unethical if they will give prejudice to your condition.

In reality, the problem of hemorrhoids is so widely known in the medical community that doctors are adequately experienced and skilled to perform a plain rubber band ligation or injections to treat the hemorrhoids, while you are inside a clinic or an operating room, or any kind of hemorrhoid medical treatment for any matter. They probably see patients bearing with hemorrhoids every day and are not usually embarrassed by it from any doctor’s experience.

Thus, when a person gets over his emotions of embarrassment, viewing that the doctor will never likely get too privy in their inquiries about your hemorrhoids, you may get a sense a relief about visiting your doctor, and seeking out info about hemorrhoids treatment they think is the best for your case – most likely a fiber intake to start with.

Another great idea is to jot down the hemorrhoid symptoms, so that when a patient discusses the observations with the doctor, it’s just a matter of reading the symptoms out. Thus, even if a person was to get a bit disturbed, all the hemorrhoid symptoms can be expressed without the feeling at the end of leaving the clinic with a grudge and a pallid face.

A person not-trained with hemorrhoids may confuse hemorrhoids with anal fissure, or even warts, and even colon cancer. Thus, when you want to get a proper medical attention, you should consult a doctor, since a personal diagnosis can be both difficult and dangerous.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Causes of hemorrhoids

Causes of hemorrhoids may be due to varied grounds. The blood veins, which are in the rectal region, will respond to tension that is being strained in the area. Yet, the tension may come from different origins and may lead to hemorrhoids to be a troublesome condition, and also, cause pain. Being well-informed about the different reasons behind hemorrhoids can aid to transform your life in avoiding hemorrhoids from inflicting intolerable pain.


Constipation is the most common cause for hemorrhoids. Tension in the anal area is caused by the bowel movements, if a person is constipated. This will consequently put strain on the blood veins, leading them to become inflamed and irritated. Bleeding in this area is seen, if you are constipated. This is from the blood veins responding to the tension from the bowel movements. In sequence, you may be required to be adept on how to avoid constipation by means of various methods.


After constipation, pregnancy is the most typical reasons for hemorrhoids. This may be caused by different reasons. For instance, the continual tension that is happening in the blood veins in the rectal area can cause irritation. In turn, the blood veins will work harder as a result of a drastic increase of hormone levels. This will then put tension on them, resulting from inflammation and irritation. If a patient is pregnant or expecting to be pregnant, it is very important to know that this is a normal part of pregnancy. However, it is only for a limited period of time and will usually disappear after you have given birth.

Portal Hypertension

Another reason for hemorrhoids is portal hypertension. This is caused by too much pressure from the blood veins that protrude from the intestines to the liver. Consequently, this will lead to a smoother bowel movement and pressure from the blood veins and will cause hemorrhoids as a result. The various kinds of hemorrhoids that happen can lead to irritation and strain, as well as bleeding in the rectal and anal area.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

This condition happens when the blood veins in the rectal region are delicate, and can easily be damaged. This put tension on the vessels, as they will have to put extra effort. Basically, the tension is also worsened with prolonged sitting or standing. If you are overweight, do not exercise habitually or you are smoking, it can also result to irritated blood veins.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)

Inflammatory bowel disease may also cause hemorrhoids. This happens when you are constipated or you have diarrhea, as well as stomach pain from problems with your digestive system. It may lead to hemorrhoids to react since there is extra tension that is placed on the blood veins. This is very common if the condition is based on constipation.

Having hemorrhoids, it isbest to seek out what is the origin of hemorrhoids and why it is happening. After that, you can change specific parts of your lifestyle, such as your food intake to help avoid the hemorrhoids from being an incessant trouble.

Common Symptoms of Bleeding hemorrhoids

Common Symptoms of Bleeding hemorrhoids

Bleeding is probably the most serious symptom of hemorrhoids. Most people will be shocked and will be very anxious when they have observed blood smudges on the toilet paper or the toilet bowl after a bowel movement.

For most people, hemorrhoids are the root of great trouble and pain. One of the greatest troubles in the treatment of critical stints of hemorrhoids includes dealing with the numerous symptoms that are usually connected with hemorrhoids.

The warning signs linked with the incidence of hemorrhoids can be tender areas, specifically in the incidents of those going through the external type. Usual symptoms of hemorrhoids may involve pain, inflammation, blistering, itching and perhaps, the most alarming of all, bleeding. What can you do to avoid these symptoms, especially bleeding? Luckily, there are more therapies available than ever. Here are some methods to lessen your pain from hemorrhoids.

Bleeding, a severe condition?

Although the outlook can be very frightening for most bleeding hemorrhoids patients, the truth is, most of the time, the bleeding hemorrhoids is not a serious threat. Painless bleeding is a common experience for most hemorrhoids patients. Basically, bowel movements are associated with bleeding. Feces may be discarded with smudges of red blood.

The sight of vivid murky red blood in the toilet bowl or the toilet paper is truly alarming. Most of the time, rectal bleeding can be associated to some form of bleeding hemorrhoids. In some cases, however, rectal bleeding can be a warning sign of a more serious health threat such as colorectal cancer or cancer of the colon. So, if you have seen blood in your stool, it is very necessary to consult your doctor. Only a doctor can make the proper diagnosis.

How to Minimize Bleeding?

When you have detected bleeding, you should obtain a critical diagnosis of the incident of bleeding hemorrhoids by visiting a licensed medical practitioner such as a family doctor or a colorectal specialist. Once your doctor finds that you irrefutably have hemorrhoids, you will be treated for all the immediate warning signs of the situation, together with bleeding. To lessen the occurrence of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, particularly bleeding hemorrhoids, most doctors are presently concentrating on improving their patient’s diet.

Current research on hemorrhoids has uncovered that the mixture of added fiber to a person’s daily meal can greatly help in reducing the incidence of hemorrhoids. Studies have revealed that adding fiber components such as psyllium or other fiber-rich foods and supplements to your food can significantly increase recuperation from bleeding hemorrhoids.

Psyllium is a large agent that means it adds mass to stools, making them softer and a bit smoother to pass through the anal canal. To achieve decrease in bleeding hemorrhoids, fiber capsules and other supplements can be taken to especially address the condition. When fiber is added to the diet, it is necessary that the patient also take enough supply of water.

Some patients may require to consume fiber foods to prevent bleeding hemorrhoids. In these situations, fiber-rich foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits will be prescribed by your doctor.

Alternative tecnhiques to prevent hemorrhoids

Alternative tecnhiques to prevent hemorrhoids

Stress reduction

Evidently, the last typical reason for hemorrhoids is stress, therefore decreasing stress and tension is also essential in hemorrhoids prevention.

Hemorrhoids are generally caused by sliding tension from the abdomen pushing far too much blood into the hemorrhoid blood vessels around the rectal area. Tension leads to stomach ache, hypertension and all kinds of miserable health problems.

If you can seek some methods to decrease your stress everyday, such as yoga, a pleasant snack during breaks, or cutting off unneeded loads, it will go a long smooth way to prevent any occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Mechanical techniques

If you have discovered that you are susceptible to hemorrhoids, changing your lifestyle may not work immediately enough in the prevention process. There are numerous mechanical techniques you can do to transform hemorrhoids less vulnerable to attack in the near future, none of them are quite expensive.

The common mechanical technique you can do to prevent hemorrhoids is to get a footstool under your feet while in the toilet. In this position, the muscular support is taken away from the pelvic floor that generally leaves your hemorrhoid blood vessels at gravity’s discretion. By placing a stool beneath your feet, you immediately support yourself with the muscles in your thighs – significant hemorrhoids prevention technique that you sometimes find posted up in clinics.

Obviously, this technique is not totally effective; you cannot sit on the toilet forever. The best hemorrhoids prevention method will not help you if you keep your rectal region hanging out over empty space for prolonged time.

You should keep your time once on top of the toilet bowl if you are actually having a bowel movement. If the feces do not come out within five minutes, rinse, get up and walk a little.
Use a mild, plain white toilet tissue, and never wipe harshly with it. If you really need to be cleaner than using wipes, dab it with water and wipe gently instead of scrubbing harshly. Avoid harmful dyes, perfumes and artificial materials.

Pharmaceutical Methods

Unluckily, there are many mainstream drugs to relieve hemorrhoids than there are for prevention. Most of what you can purchase from a drug store, either over-the-counter or as a doctor’s prescription, will only aid when you are currently suffering from hemorrhoids. Never use hemorrhoid gels if you do not have hemorrhoids as it can irritate the normal skin.

In many cases, you will just likely waste your time and money. However, if the gel is composed of hydrocortisone or vasoconstrictors you will block the whole prevention plan. Vasoconstrictors shrink the blood vessels, increasing the blood tension and it will be likely that one of the blood vessels will give way under that enormous tension. Hydrocortisone scrapes muscle tissue in due course, again making your rectal area vulnerable to hemorrhoids.

Herbal supplements containing butcher’s broom and chestnut are used since the earliest age to prevent hemorrhoids. They are both used to aid in the primary bad circulation, though they should not be taken by people with hypertension, hyperplasia, and pregnant and lactating mothers.

All about hemorhoids

All About Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are generally enlarged or inflamed blood vessels in the posterior rectal region. The most usual symptoms of hemorrhoids are rectal bleeding, blistering, pain and itchiness.
Hemorrhoids can be internal (situated inside the posterior lower rectum) or external (beneath the skin around the anus). These two kinds of hemorrhoids may occur at the same time.

Some common symptoms of hemorrhoids are the following:

1. Rectal bleeding
2. Irritation
3. Bulging out of the skin (a hemorrhoid) from the rectum
4. Leakage of stool

Usually, rectal bleeding does not impose pain, all throughout the bowel movement. This is a very common symptom of hemorrhoids. After the bowel movement, you may observe that there are bright red blood smudges on the feces or in the toilet paper after cleaning the anus. The quantity of blood is fairly small. However, even a little amount of blood can cause the toilet water to look like vivid red and can be alarming to the person.

Less commonly, bleeding may be serious. In very rare cases, critical blood loss from rectal bleeding may result to anemia, causing weakness, exhaustion, or other related warning signs.

Without a clinical diagnosis, it is very unlikely to discover the real origin of the rectal bleeding. So, everyone with this symptom should undergo a medical exam performed by a doctor or at least a licensed medical practitioner.

Hemorrhoids can cause irritation and itching of the affected skin around the anal area. Itching can be a result of a mixture of various factors, such as the following:

1. Internal hemorrhoids can permit leakage of stool that can be itchy and irritating to the skin in the rectal area.

2. Over cleaning may irritate the skin in the rectal region.

3. Individuals with external hemorrhoids can develop minimal protrusion of the skin, commonly known as skin tags. These can often be not easy to keep clean, causing itchiness.

4. Inflammation of hemorrhoids can cause itchiness and inflammation.

On the other hand, pain may develop in persons who have thrombosis or coagulated blood within the hemorrhoid. This can happen within either external or internal hemorrhoids. Clotted external hemorrhoids are of color plum bulge. When the skin around the rectal area becomes swollen, severe pain can be experienced.

Coagulated internal hemorrhoids may also cause pain, even though commonly less extreme. Hardly ever, if the blood circulation to an internal hemorrhoid is reduced, the hemorrhoid can become asphyxiated. Asphyxiation can result to severe pain, and the lessened blood flow can cause gangrene, wherein the affected skin is dead. This can be a fatal complication and needs urgent surgical treatment.

Hemorrhoids are more likely to form in individuals who are:

1. Strain to pass bowel movements

2. Have critical constipation, diarrhea or stomach ache.

3. Have the habit or routine of prolonged sitting or standing

4. Older

5. Pregnant

6. Have a pelvic tumor

To determine the real cause of hemorrhoids, your doctor or clinician will test your rectum and anus, and may insert a gloved tube or finger into the anus.