Vaginal hemorrhoids?

Vaginal hemorrhoids?

Vaginal Hemorrhoids?

Most people have some misconceptions and wrong information on vaginal hemorrhoids and they are confused with rectal hemorrhoids.

Vaginal hemorrhoids is a case of mistaken identity, that most young female teenagers and adults should know about, and in some extent males who have their wife with this condition.

Hemorrhoids are pretty particularly a health condition that takes place around the rectal or anal area. They happen because of the origin of the blood circulation to that area – there’s a large cushion of veins around the anal duct that is intended to aid in the smooth bowel movement, but because to their origin, they are very susceptible to be inflamed out of their natural shape and size with blood, particularly if there is something going on inside the body such as constipation, diarrhea or pregnancy that places tension they are beneath.

This leads to hemorrhoids, similar to varicose veins, are simply blood vessels that have been engorged and stretch for a prolonged time.

They can happen in the rectal area since the connective tissue that surrounds them is quite squishy and supple.

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Blood vessels in the vaginal area are very not likely to have the room to inflame and get swollen, since the connective tissue is quite string and flexible – it will normally push the blood vessels back into its normal size and shape. Thus, a vaginal hemorrhoid does not exist, in its strictest sense of the term hemorrhoids.

Since hemorrhoids can look like externally around the rectal area, it is probable that they may appear near enough to the vagina to appear like the hemorrhoids in the rectum. Most medically-trained professional may refer to them as vaginal hemorrhoids.

There are certain health conditions that give birth to bulges or tags around the vaginal area, which can be likely to be confused with hemorrhoids because of their appearance, like vaginal warts that are well known in the medical community. If you have discovered such type of abnormal growths, in the vagina, it is very essential to consult your doctor in proper diagnosis, as it can be fairly difficult to distinguish them.

As well, in some rare cases, if you ignore the condition that you think were vaginal hemorrhoids undiagnosed, you can put your life in a fatal situation and your partner in danger, as well as your skill to rear children.

Internal hemorrhoids can often occur as prolapsed that means they are trapped outside the opening, somehow, causing a prolapsed of the opening.

It is very possible for the vagina to prolapsed, though that’s typical in older women, and is not linked to hemorrhoids in any way.

If you have discovered something that you think is a hemorrhoid in the vagina, it is almost specifically something else, another kind of health condition, and you need to have a proper clinical diagnosis to determine what it is, particularly if it is painful, irritated or bleeding. Even though most of these warning signs are similar with hemorrhoids, they do not affect the vaginal area in this way.

In simplest terms, vaginal hemorrhoids do not exist.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids

The conventional presentation of a person with hemorrhoid is bleeding, usually during bowel movement. The bleeding connected with hemorrhoid smears the stool or the tissue paper, while the feces are negative for blood smudges. Many cases of hemorrhoids are painless, unless there is consequent thrombosis. Moreover, even though patients may complain of blistering or prickling, the reality is that hemorrhoids do not prickle or blister. It is the anal lining which is the spot of pruritis, and is commonly the cause of bad hygiene in the region.

Clinical treatment for hemorrhoids is generally based on the gravity of symptoms and level of the condition. In asymptomatic hemorrhoids, traditional treatments are commonly carried out. Bulge-forming causes, the prevention of constipation, or a traditional Sitz bath can usually eliminate the problem, or decrease the symptoms. Thus, minor degree, as asymptomatic hemorrhoids are cured in these methods. In symptomatic hemorrhoids, most doctors use infra red coalescence, or a rubber band ligation is performed. A more conventional surgical therapy, called sclerotheraphy, is not performed today.

During a rubber-band ligation, a small elastic rubber band is situated around the region of the hemorrhoids, leading the tissue to wilt and fall off as a result of the blockage of blood supply. Similarly, this banding therapy is beneficial for medium to high degree hemorrhoid.

Surgical operations, commonly in the form of hemorrhoidectomy, are commonly performed for very high degree of hemorrhoids, or in some cases in high degree hemorrhoid with a large outer part. In these situations, the large blood vein is discarded and gauze stuff is added inside to regulate bleeding. The result after the surgery is very satisfactory in most cases, and the patient should be motivated to increase fiber in the food diet and prevent constipation to avoid recurrence of the hemorrhoid. During recuperation, patients may go through pain after the surgical treatment as the anal lining contracts and relaxes, however, total revitalization is commonly observed within one to two weeks.

External hemorrhoids are less painful and less troublesome than internal hemorrhoids. Oftentimes, they do not cause many health problems. Elimination is usually performed for very large bulging hemorrhoids that blocks with the bowel movement. Most of the time, patients may present with extreme perianal sting and a bulge near the anal area following extreme constipation or prolonged standing or sitting.

Physical exam of the rectal region may disclose a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. This type of hemorrhoid is one, which blood has collected and formed a clot. Commonly, it forms outside the rectal area, around the anal region. It typically appears as a lump, plum or blue skin-covered blood veins, or can be scarlet when swollen. When you touch it, it feels as a rigid bulge, about a size of chickpeas. With this kind of hemorrhoid, most patients go through severe strain.

A thromboses outer hemorrhoid can lead to inflammation, prickling and pain, yet it will completely never bleed. The common treatment is sapping or elimination of the coagulation or the whole hemorrhoid, but only if the condition is very serious. If not, eager supervision and a considerable high fiber in the daily diet is usually all that is required, as the condition is commonly self-limited over a period of two to three weeks.

The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids

The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids

The most apparent symptom of hemorrhoids is that they are usually felt and seen, as a small bulge of grape-like bulge protruding from the anus – the common appearance of prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. The size, shape and number of hemorrhoids differ, from a patient to another.

A hemorrhoid can be larger than a normal grape, even a size of a walnut, but commonly hemorrhoids are the size of a chick pea.

In some cases, there is only one hemorrhoid, while some patients can have numerous hemorrhoids – commonly a little group of it is diagnosed.

Hemorrhoids can appear like compressed grapes, some look like bloated grapes, while other can look like creased grapes. This is because of the plum-like color of the hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can protrude from the anus, that is come out, sometime the hemorrhoids stays inside the rectum out of observable exterior, whereas some hemorrhoids form on the skin just outside of the anus – this latter kind of hemorrhoids are called external hemorrhoids, and they are usually presented as a single bulge in the skin around the rectal opening.

An essential symptom of hemorrhoids is their color:

• Vivid pinkish-red hemorrhoids are usually prolapsed internal hemorrhoids.

• Bluish or plum-like, or dark reddish hemorrhoids are commonly coagulated hemorrhoids.

• Brownish hemorrhoids are commonly external hemorrhoids.

Other typical signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids have been troublesome to patients throughout recorded time, and hemorrhoids have starred their role well, by their knack to cause a person to be irritable and nippy to short temper, to lose focus and to become susceptible in committing human errors.

Hemorrhoids can be so stressful to a patient, that even the dreadful hemorrhoid operation of the olden times, were considered worth the pain by the hemorrhoids patient, to try and cease the pain the hemorrhoids are causing.

It is interesting to note, that a football championship game was lost by a team because the top player is suffering from a hemorrhoid.

Another common warning sign is that hemorrhoids usually coat the anus, stopping the rectal opening from being observed.

A very irritating symptom of hemorrhoids is that they can result to a person’s anus to become itchy, specifically around the rectal opening, this hemorrhoid symptom can also be a symptom of parasitic worms, rather than hemorrhoids, thus a medical examination is needed.

Hemorrhoids can also result to a searing pain, or anxiety around the rectal opening.

Sully undergarments can be a usual symptom with hemorrhoids as well. This hemorrhoids symptom can result to the other symptoms of irritation and searing, similar to a diaper rash.

Hemorrhoids can also lead to a sensation of deficient bowel movement – you may have the feeling that you have not emptied your colon, even though you already have. This hemorrhoid symptom is a specifically horrible one, as straining to get your feces out that isn’t really there can worsen or lead to hemorrhoids in its own right. The interruption of bowel movement is a reaction of the digestive system as it mistakenly identifies bulging hemorrhoids as feces.

Surgical treatments for hemorrhoids

Surgical treatments for hemorrhoids

There is a method surgeons perform to verify what kind of surgery to perform on a patient’s hemorrhoids.


If hemorrhoids are present, but they are not yet protruding from the opening of the rectal opening, there’s a great chance they are mild hemorrhoids that can be cured surgically using a simple injection into each hemorrhoid. The surgical treatment you follow is very familiar to rubber banding, but rather of getting a band, they inject a chemical that will kill the hemorrhoid.

This treatment is called sclerotherapy. This treatment works by injecting a chemical into the hemorrhoid that will block with vessel engorgement and tissue inflammation that causes the hemorrhoids.

If the chemical injected is phenol, then the goal of the surgery is to regulate rectal bleeding.

If the liquid injected inside the hemorrhoids is a salt solution, the hemorrhoid will usually decrease to its normal shape and size.

Hemorrhoid Cauterization

Surgical operation using cauterization includes searing the hemorrhoid with an electrically-charged wire. This is basically used on mild and small hemorrhoids, but rather of injecting, they cauterize.

Infrared Coagulation

Hemorrhoids that do not protrude, or which draws back after protrusion, can be treated using Infrared Coagulation or commonly known as Laser Coagulation Surgery.

Rubber Band Ligation Hemorrhoid Surgery

This is the simplest surgery. It is a rubber band ligation that can be fairly weird but effective.

This type of surgery generally works by tying a strong latex rubber band around the internal or prolapsed hemorrhoids that blocks the blood flow to the entire bulge. With a few weeks, the hemorrhoid will be weakened, gangrened and fall off.

It is quite anxious to think blocking circulation to a body part, but when performed by a surgeon this hemorrhoids surgery is by far the safest, simplest and most effective prolapsed hemorrhoid surgery.

Pain can be extreme if the hemorrhoids are too near the nerve band around the rectal area, so remember to tell your surgeon if you are feeling pain during the ligation.

This kind of surgery is best on medium sized hemorrhoids, as there must be enough skin mass for the rubber band to block.

Hemorrhoid Cryotherapy

This surgical treatment is used when the hemorrhoid is on the state before they reach the level of being outside the rectal opening and for most people, even when the hemorrhoids are showing. The surgery includes the hemorrhoids being deep frozen, then left to dry up and die, very likely to the outcome of the rubber band ligation. Pain lasts up for a couple of weeks.

The Stapling Hemorrhoid Surgery

This surgery is also known as Hemorrhoidopexy and used for internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed.

Artery Ligation Surgery

This surgical treatment is a non-conventional technique to the more common hemorrhoidectomy, and also an appropriate alternative for all types of hemorrhoid surgeries. Using a specific treatment using ultrasounds, the surgeon determines which arteries are giving blood to the hemorrhoids and then sews up the blood artery closed just above the hemorrhoids. The outcome of this surgery is fairly effective.

Sitz bath for hemorrhoids

Sitz bath for hemorrhoids

Sitz Bath For Hemorrhoids

Do you have hemorrhoids, and now in prickly pain? So, in a search for relief you will come across one of the most effective and easiest methods to find help. This method is also very relaxing and indulging. Before you delve deeper with the Sitz bath procedures that can aid you fight most painful portions of existing with hemorrhoids, it helps to know more about how hemorrhoids build up.

Hemorrhoids are a very typical health condition that troubles at least 30 % of Americans. This condition can happen at different age groups, but they are more common in middle age. In reality, it appears that the older population is the most at risk to acquire hemorrhoids than any age bracket. The data for this age group, in truth, is fairly unpromising: it is projected that just around 50 % of people over 50 have or will obtain some kind of hemorrhoid condition.

Exactly, what are hemorrhoids? They are basically large, inflamed blood veins, located in the open region of the rectum. These inflamed blood veins are commonly grouped together, creating a bunch of superimposing tissue and mucous lining. Most patients bear from external hemorrhoids that commonly form in the anal lips. Most people may acquire internal hemorrhoids at first, which then gradually form into external hemorrhoids. Other patients endure from internal hemorrhoids that are not as painful, and thus more rigid for the patient to become aware of. One of the most typical indicators of hemorrhoids is severe red bleeding positioned on the outer of the bowel. Bleeding may also be apparent in the toilet paper or on the toilet bowl.

The Sitz Bath Technique

One of the most trouble-free methods to get relief if you are bearing from the warning signs of hemorrhoids is to indulge in a Sitz bath. What is then, a Sitz bath? This procedure is commonly known as hydrotherapy, and sometimes called as a hip bath. This treatment is recommended for minor degree hemorrhoids. The Sitz bath is basically a warm bath that includes immersion of the thighs or the hips in the water. A Sitz bath should be lukewarm, and not too hot. Appropriate temperatures for this therapy vary from 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit, or 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.

A Sitz bath can be very effective for minor degrees and simple occurrence of hemorrhoids where treatment is needed from usual indicators such as prickling, blister, and itching. Sitz bath have long been regarded for let-up all types of anal or vaginal strain. If you want to experience a Sitz bath, you can gather much equipment that makes the experience of preparing a authentic Sitz bath a simple task.

For example, you can use an inflatable Sitz bath that will be connected to your sink, and present a totally controlled Sitz bath system. The technique should allow you with a smudge-free, steadfast continual supply of warm water. If you find yourself suffering by mild symptoms of hemorrhoids, you’ll find that a Sitz bath can provide you to rinse in a moderate, restful environ, which will not make severe your hemorrhoids, on the contrary, can fairly aid to pacify the pain and the irritation that comes with hemorrhoids.