How to take care for hemorrhoids

How to Care for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or commonly known as piles, form when the rectal or anal blood veins are inflamed due to a tension caused by varied circumstances such as prolonged sitting. Hemorrhoids can often cause swelling, extreme pain, and bleeding. There are two common kinds of hemorrhoids: internal and external. The difference lies on the location of the hemorrhoid. However, they both have similar symptoms such as bleeding.

If you are experiencing from any kind of hemorrhoid you can do the following measures to ease your pain.

1. Apply directly a cold pack on the hemorrhoid region to lessen the inflammation and the pain. The easiest method to do this is to ask a loved one to apply the cold compress as you are lying face down.

2. Before you use toilet paper, dampen it with water or baby oil. Baby wipes are also recommended as they are extra gentle for your sensitive skin.

3. Always clean the region well with lukewarm water may times every day. A bidet is very effective for this purpose.

4. As much as possible, do not sit or stand for long periods.

5. Take a hot bath several times a week. Do not take salt baths as they can cause irritation in the hemorrhoid. Also, avoid strong detergents in cleaning your anal area.

6. To help achieve smooth bowel movement, add fiber into your diet. Take fresh vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber. Legumes, beans and whole grains are also highly recommended for fiber intake.

7. Add water consumption. Try to drink at least eight to ten glasses a day. This will smoothen your stool, allowing smooth passage.

8. Exercise every day. Do brisk walking or jogging at least 30 – 45 minutes, three to four times a week. This will help in the food absorption and make moving your bowels less painful.

9. Do not push hard during bowel movement. It can cause extra strain to the hemorrhoid and can cause further damage.

10. Avoid lifting heavy objects. If it is unavoidable, use proper body posture and mechanics to prevent putting extra pressure and tension on the lower extremities especially the pelvic area.

11. Take over-the-counter drugs recommended to ease hemorrhoid pain. Those drugs that contain corticosteroids are effective in combating pain. However, you should check at least with the store pharmacist to be sure that the drug can help your condition. You should remember to take these drugs on the prescribed period as prolonged intake can cause inflammation or pockmarks in the anal lining.

12. In few cases, hemorrhoids need proper surgical treatment, either through sclerotheraphy, to reduce the size of the piles, or the rubber band ligation or clinically known as hemorrhoidectomy. Ask your physician to know more about other treatments.

13. Do not believe that rectal or anal bleeding is rooted mainly from hemorrhoids. It can be a sign of a serious health problem such as colon cancer. If you are experiencing hemorrhoid for a long time, never hesitate to consult your doctor for proper medical attention.

How much longer do hemorrhoids last

How Much Longer Do Hemorrhoids Last?

The human body has very advanced and rather efficient methods of healing itself, and the natural body healing process if one of these wonders.

The parts of your body that appears after the sudden reaction to an irritation or an injury is called the immune system, even though it’s quite a vague system that doesn’t precisely sit in one location like the digestive system does.

Since the immune system is composed of the white blood cells, and also a lympathic system of nodes, it roams around the body, where the action is.

When a region is damaged, the cellular component of that area regulates various chemicals to the ones they regularly regulate, a kind of alarm system.

This alarm system pulls cellular members of the immune system as well as transforming the properties of the tissue lining near the damaged area, commonly in ways that permit the white blood cells to get there at an increased rate.

Using this mechanism, the body protects your rectal lining when you have hemorrhoids. All that searing sensation, inflammation, and pain is your body’s natural way of alarming you that there is a problem with your bottom.

The injury in hemorrhoids is resulted when the blood vessels in the anus gets engorged out of its normal size and shape from deep within by having too much blood for a prolonged time, blood that is forced in when you are straining during a bowel movement, or blood pushed inside during pregnancy or portal hypertension.

When the injury is done, you body can repair it but it will take a while, usually several months because the blood vessels cannot completely shut down to repair the affected blood vessels.

Similar to a hectic railway, if you totally close it for repair, you can acquire more serious problems that you will gain.

It’s not a choice for blood flow; you cannot cut it off without having gangrene.

Tension is one such signal – if something, like an inflammation, presses against the skin underneath, it will develop to carry that pressure.

That is why some hemorrhoids are covered with skin. Your body is eager to guard the hemorrhoid from the outside environment.

You should remember that the injury has been a result to the blood vessel by something else, and if you can eliminate the origin, your hemorrhoids will begin to heal.

Hemorrhoids are not like bruises or wounds; you cannot ignore them and let your body get rid of them. A clinical diagnosis is recommended to determine if it is really hemorrhoids, or a warning indicator of a more serious threat, such as colon cancer.

You should be aware that all these medications will work at varied degrees on various individuals. There are no precise answers or warranties when it comes to how speedy your system can recuperate itself with or without the assistance of artificial medications. Even though, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are generalized, each patient has its own unique case.

Furthermore, you should carefully read the instructions and the labels of any prescribed medications. They are not suggestion as to how you will treat your hemorrhoids – they are the instructions.

Hemorrhoid treatments

Hemorrhoid Treatments

First major point – many gentle cases of hemorrhoids, if left on its own, will heal itself without further intervention such as medications and surgeries within a couple of weeks. There can be recurrence, but if the hemorrhoid is mild, you should not be anxious and your possibly don’t need to treat them other than thinking of changing your lifestyle.

At most, hemorrhoids are a chronic and critical problem, and in many cases, this means a long term solution and healing process. The best, prescribed treatment for many cases of hemorrhoids remains in management through diet and lifestyle change.

It is expectedly that if you change to eating nutritious, fiber-rich foods and get ample mild exercises, you can experience development in the status of your hemorrhoids within a couple of weeks, and you could expect a total recuperation after about a few months.

That is the possible outcome – there is no instant cure without choosing surgical treatments, and that is never the top choice treatments unless there’s a serious threat. Always, if you are in doubt, read the label and instructions. It will give you the necessary information on the prescription and what to do when it is not effective.

Symptomatic treatments refer to any type of treatments that focus on the symptoms. It includes anesthesia, laxatives, toners, vasoconstrictors, Sitz bath and hemorrhoid cushions. These treatments react in shorter terms to ease pain and inflammation in the hemorrhoids. For instance, ibuprofen, a generic pain reliever reduces the pain you feel, and also the inflammation.

These medications are great since they normally begin working as soon as you apply or take the medication. Ibuprofen can be taken as a capsule or rubbed directly to the affected area, as a cream or a gel, and will begin decreasing the pain within a matter of hours even minutes. They can give you immediate relief that is important to aid you throughout the day.
These treatments do not concentrate on the causes of the hemorrhoids, only on the symptoms that you can feel.

It does not mean that they cannot help you in getting rid of hemorrhoids – if a pain reliever helps you with the bowel movement sans the pain, it will significantly aid your constipation and that will have a soothing effect to the hemorrhoids. But when taken as a singular medication, they do not respond directly on the hemorrhoids to treat it or get rid of it, so if the hemorrhoids are chronic, you need to consider other treatments you can try.

Some herbal treatments or over-the-counter drugs are composed of a combination of various active ingredients that not only help boost your body’s healing process with supplements, but also fortifies the blood vessels, reduce inflammation and discomfort and can also aid you defecate smoothly.

Whether surgical treatments is for a direct elimination of hemorrhoids, or cutting off a enlargement so it will be killed from the lack of blood supply, injecting it with a liquid that will destroy it, surgical treatments are the only known straightforward treatment that will instantly eradicate the hemorrhoid entirely.

Hemorrhoids prevention

Hemorrhoids Prevention

Prevention of hemorrhoids is a matter that most people will not need to think hard about. Most patients of hemorrhoids have never suffered again from a return bout, so nobody really considers hemorrhoids prevention until they acquire one.

Conversely, once you have endured through a fit of hemorrhoids, prevention does likely to dwell in the mind of most patients.

Hemorrhoid prevention is simple.

Although genetic factors play a significant role in hemorrhoid vulnerability, lifestyle has a bigger role in the development of hemorrhoids, and in thinking of a hemorrhoid prevention program.

Conversely, there are a handful diseases and health problems that make hemorrhoids prevention less attainable, like Crohn’s disease, hypertension, badly supervised diabetes and pregnancy. If you are presently having one of these health conditions and suffer from hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoids may not entirely be eliminated until the origin is treated, and, certainly, hemorrhoids prevention cannot be totally probable.

Nonetheless, hemorrhoid prevention methods can significantly aid to decrease trouble and anxiety while working on other health conditions.

Lifestyle change

Most hemorrhoid problems are caused by diarrhea, or constipation, either of which can be cured by a well-planned diet that involves fiber-rich foods and plenty source of drinking water. For hemorrhoids prevention, an average person should take between 30 to 40 grams of dietary fiber everyday to keep the digestive tract in its efficient working order.

A well planned and nutritious diet, like anything else to do with human health presents equilibrium.

However, do not take more than 40 grams of fiber unless your physician instructs you to do so. Too much fiber will make you bloat, and nauseous. Too much fiber intake also combats the prevention of hemorrhoids, as the feces can be rigid and small needing several visits to the toilet to completely eradicate the stool.

Furthermore, when you add fiber to your diet, you should add the amount you take gradually and drink plenty of water. Going from very small fiber to the large amount in one day will also make you irritated, while eating more fiber without enough water to go with it will form rigid materials in the colon. Needlessly, rigid bowel movements will not make your hemorrhoids better.

Evidently, hemorrhoids prevention is beneficial for a healthy meal to travel the boundaries of the regularity of bowel movements. A proper and balanced food intake will aid to decrease blood pressure, provide your cardiovascular system the vitamins and minerals it requires to stay in proper order, give your muscles proper sustenance in order for them to support the hemorrhoid blood vessels in your thighs and gives you the energy and the vigor to chase an active living that gets the blood flowing in its normal rate.

Exercises suitable for your age and health are another technique to prevent hemorrhoids. Desk bounded jobs, such as driving or clerk, have you sitting for the whole day. So much sitting makes any inclination towards hemorrhoids.

Thus, it’s essential to get up and do a mild walk at least every couple of hours, possibly for a few minutes. Jogging or walking will help you focus on your work more while getting the blood out of the hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids in children

Hemorrhoids in Children

Even though child hemorrhoids are not a very serious health condition, they are not a typical children health disorder and this condition can usually be both a symptom and a cause of more serious health condition in the child patient.

Hemorrhoids, as we are oriented with them, are inflamed blood vessels that appear from and just about the hemorrhoid cushions that aids the anal canal to function. When one of the large blood vessels that flows through this region is put under enough tension, the vein lining swells and pulls some of the tissue.

Whether the patient is a child or an adult, if the hemorrhoids should occur on the inside of the anal duct, above the lining, then it is called internal hemorrhoid. If, on the other hand, the inflammation of the blood vessel should begin from a portion underneath the lining, it is an external hemorrhoid.

The real opening of the anal duct is called the anal verge and the lining is about two centimeters extended inside the canal from the anal verge.

The main reason that this lining is essential is because it marks the start of a big and receptive band of nerve endings that aids to regulate the anal region. Since they are nowhere close to this nerve endings, internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, if at all, unless they have prolapsed to the outside.

However, because of the location, external hemorrhoids typically, and kids are more susceptible to pain than adults.

Causes of child hemorrhoids

There are different probable causes of child hemorrhoids, varying from mere constipation to a more serious health condition such as the Crohn’s disease that damages the lower colon, to prolonged sitting in the toilet bowl straining bowel movements.

While there are few known origins that are usually normal, child hemorrhoids are very rare, so when your kid has hemorrhoids, it is very necessary to consult your pediatrician or the family doctor for proper diagnosis.

While an adult may be aware that the constipation is the primary cause of hemorrhoids (if you are not pregnant), children do not usually suffer from these problems.

One of the more severe origins of child hemorrhoids is due to portal hypertension that means that there is a retrogression of pressure in the portal blood vessel that contains blood coming from the digestive tract to the liver. A medical condition that damages the liver usually manifests their first symptoms through portal blood vessels or hypertension.

Crohn’s disease, a chronic (long-term) swelling of the bowels, is also a probable cause of child hemorrhoids. These problems should be consulted with a pediatrician, particularly in infants who cannot communicate clearly or precisely.

A major cause of hemorrhoids among children and infants is constipation, and one of the major caused of constipation is dehydration.

Dehydration is life-threatening. While it is basically a harmful condition, because of the pediatric anatomy, it works speedier on kids, who do not have the kinds of body reservoir that we use to mitigate our condition against conditions such as dehydration, sunstroke and hypothermia.